Exciting Projects for Fiordland Conservation Trust
The first Fiordland Conservation Trust annual report shows how community conservation involvement in Fiordland National Park is booming. Rachel Cockburn, FCT’s Manager writes, “The 2009/10 year looks set to be incredibly busy.” Projects include the Sinbad Sanctuary, supported by Southern Discoveries through a $35,000 p/a donation and Indian Island pest eradication, to name a few. She reports, “A key focus for the coming year is the Kepler Peninsular “Backyard Birdsong” project which is still in its planning stages. The project will be run in conjunction with the long term and very effective trapping project currently carried out by the Kepler Challenge Committee.” For more information on the Trusts activities visit www.fiordlandconservationtrust.org.nz
Posted on: Friday, 13 November 2009