Matuku Muster Highlights 2024
Wendy Ambury has sent out the highlights and next steps from her wonderful Love Bittern Project. She visited us in mid November and gave an inspiring talk about what we can do to help Matuku Hurepo. For more information on the whole project go to the website here. Highlights poster attached.
Sadly, the Awarua Wetlands were extensively burned in January. This is bittern habitat (& home to many other species of concern). Warren Heslip was fighting the fire when he caught sight of a bittern doing its freezing pose (see photo).
We don’t have a lot of current records for bittern - do keep recording (iNaturalst, eBirds, LoveBittern or DOC) any you hear or see. Head to the World Wetlands Day event on 23rd Feb for some more information on habitat creation and management for these magnificent birds (details here).
Posted on: Thursday, 13 February 2025