SERN Autumn Field Trip: Waituna
SERN Autumn Field Day – Saturday 5th April 2025 Large Scale Ecological Restoration
This autumn we are offering a bus trip to Waituna Wetlands and surrounds, hosted by Whakamana te Waituna Trust
In 2018 the Whakamana te Waituna Charitable Trust was formed following years of collaborative work by the farming community, agencies, iwi and others to reduce impacts on Waituna Lagoon/Waipārera.
Members of the Trust include Awarua Rūnanga, Ngāi Tahu, Southland District Council, Environment Southland, Department of Conservation, Fonterra and a Waituna Catchment community representative.
Outline of Day: (times approximate)
8.45am: meet at Feldwick Gates, Queens Park
9.00am: bus to leave Invercargill for Waituna. (commentary along the way of WtW programmes)
10.00am: Webster Block. Restoration plans and biodiversity credits. (Discussion on bus.)
10.30am: DOC – Waghorn block. Large scale restoration with flax and mixed species.
12 noon: Lunch time at Te Wai Parera Trust’s wetland, Waghorn Rd. (BBQ lunch provided.)
12.45pm: Vision and plans for restoration of area. (Walk to wetland.)
2.15pm: WLG Gravel Pit Restoration. (Discussion on bus.)
2.30pm: DOC planting trials. (Discussion on bus.)
3.00pm: White Pine Rd. DOC Lower Waituna Creek restoration work. (45 minute stop)
4.00pm: Return to Invercargill, with drive through of Manuka Mire Farm.
All welcome! Bus: free but booking essential. RSVP for queries, map of route and to book a seat to Gay Munro ([Enable JavaScript to view protected content])
Thank you to Environment Southland for generously funding the bus and to Whakamana te Waituna for hosting the day.